I received this message today from Grassroots. Please take action as you are able by signing the petition that protests the establishment of a North American Union Currency. Also, please send this message to those in your e-mail address lists. Thank you.

Here is the Grassroots message:


WorldNetDaily's Jerome Corsi is reporting that ex-Mexican
President Vicente Fox confirmed the existence of a
government plan to create the amero as a new regional
currency to replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar
and the Mexican peso.

In an interview last night on CNN's "Larry King Live", Fox
was asked an email question from a listener about the
"possibility of having a Latin America united with one

Click here to access the full WorldNetDaily report and to
read Vicente Fox's incredible response:


Whether intentional or not, Vicente Fox has blown
the lid off the NAU debate with his comments. Now it is up
to grassroots Americans to take immediate and decisive action.

Please forward this message to 25-30 of your friends
and family and urge them to take action with you by
adding their name to our national petition opposing the
North American Framework by clicking here:


Already, more than 202,056 citizens have added their names
to our petition, and over the next 30 days Grassfire wants
to grow that number to 250,000 signers.

To preserve our sovereignty, it is imperative that
we stir a sleeping nation awake! Millions of citizens have no
idea about the NAU, and the very serious threat to our way of
life it represents.

Please take immediate action, and follow up your email with
a phone call to your friends asking if they have signed.
With his comments, Vicente Fox sounded the alarm bell for
grassroots Americans. Now we must rally a nation to respond.

As always, thank you for standing with Grassfire.

Steve Elliott
Grassfire.org Alliance