Friends of ALIPAC,

We are in striking range of setting a new all time monthly web traffic record this month.

It is going to be close.

Our old record is from May of 2006

Busiest Month: May 2006 (2,532,079 Hits)

At the time of this post, we are at 2,227,377 for March of 2007 with only four full days to go. It is going to be close. The last time we had this much traffic was when the nation got the illegal alien protest wakeup call on May 1 2006.

Please send a few more e-mails to people inviting them over, post a few more links on other sites for like minded Americans, and visit/read/post as much as you can for the next few days.

April and May are going to be big months for us as always, but for us to set a new record in March will be a great milestone for ALIPAC.