I remember a time when National Guards where sent out on a mission with rubber bullets.
Who are they going to answer to?? Apparently all actions taken by the boarder patrol has to account to the Mexican government.
I heard the interview on Fox News where boarder patrol admitted that they have to answer to the Mexican government with all actions they take against the illegal invaders on OUR soil.
Also, I thought we are at WAR ? Since when is the our military not allowed to be deployed within our own country to defend us in a time of War?
When I took the oath many many years it ago, is said something about defending this country from outside attackers and from within?
If Americans continue to sleep, we will lose all of this country. Americans are already 2nd class citizens in their own country, look around, Press 1 or 2 to speak in English. Press English to do your transaction in English at an ATM. Notice that our language is no longer the default language of this country?
What about all the senators with Mexican flags on their web sites, so that illegal can see their page in espanol. Do these same senators offer this to many of the other languages that people speak in this country??
Is it just me losing it and growing paranoid about being an American anymore?? Why should I be frowned upon for waving a U.S.A. Flag (The one with the 13 stripes, and 50 stars in case you forgot).
Just a few things that have been annoying me lately....

Please help me remind all our politicians of our fallen heroes. I need more 24c Stamps and donations for more postcards as pictured below.
My mission is to remind people of our fallen heroes and who they are. Any help always appreciated.
This Memorial Day we have a whole new generation affected by war. Please take the time to thank a man or woman in uniform or any veteran you encounter. Just a simple THANK YOU FOR SERVING is not that hard and means a lot to them and if you don't have a phobia, reach out your hand to shake their as you do so.
Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away