No business, professional, or occupational licenses to illegal aliens!!!

I was cruising around over at Thomas and came across this. Has anyone seen or heard of it? I did a Search and didn't see anything about it here so I'm sorry if it's a duplicate.

It was introduced by Rep. Virgil H. Goode Jr. (VA) and has no co-sponsors (?). To me it looks like something worth some support. Have a look and see what you think!

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that States and units of local government should enact legislation to prohibit the issuance of business, professional, or occupational.....(Introduced in House)


110th Congress

1st Session

H. Res. 246

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that States and units of local government should enact legislation to prohibit the issuance of business, professional, or occupational licenses to unauthorized aliens.

In the House of Representatives

March 14, 2007

MR. GOODE submitted the following resolution: which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.


Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that States and units of local government should enact legislation to prohibit the issuance of business, professional, or occupational licenses to unauthorized aliens.

Whereas thew Federal Government has failed to take adequate measures to curb illegal immigration;

Whereas the failure by the Federal Government to curb illegal immigration has placed, and continues to place, a substantial burden on States and local government;

Whereas many State and local governments have already worked actively to discourage illegal immigration and to assist in the enforcement of our Nation's immigration laws;

Whereas many illegal aliens in this country obtain business, professional, or occupational (BPO) licenses to work as self-employed independent contractors, allowing them to avoid citizenship verification measures to which they would be subject if they were otherwise employed;

Whereas permitting illegal aliens to obtain BPO licenses is a reward for illegal behavior conducted by these aliens; and

Whereas many States and units of local government, such as the Commonwealth of Virginia, have considered, or are considering measures to prohibit the issuance of BPO licenses: Now, therefore be it

Resolved, That this is the sense of the House of Representatives
that States and units of local government should enact legis-
lation to prohibit the issuance of business, professional, or
occupational licenses to aliens who are not lawfully present
in the United States, or are not authorized to be employed in
the United States.

Introduced March 14, 2007

April 20, 2007 Referred to House Subcommittee

Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citzenship, Refugee, Border Security and International Law.