California has had the sign out there. Come one come all. We welcome everyone. The land of opportunity. Your neighbors and state doesn't accept your lifestyle - that's ok, we will. Your state isn't progressive or liberal enough for you, come on and bring your ideas with you. You are broke, no jobs or work in your state or country, that is ok come on over. But if you can't or don't want to work, that's ok we got the best welfare program in the country. You say you are in the country illegaly - that's ok we welcome you too.

But now it is 2011 and California is broke. The free ride is over. The great experiment has failed. Taxpaying Californians are fleeing and the vultures are circling. The finger pointing is happening the blame game has started. Who is going to get that last taxpayer doller? The Civil Servant Unions or the Illegal Immigrants?

Stay tuned folks as Jerry Brown tries to pacify both groups. Will the Unions take pay cuts or lose their pensions? Will illegal immigrants continue to rake in benefits? Who will the Union's support -their rank and file or the illegal's that they have been pandering too?

Or will they, as I predict all turn on each other?

I am laughing mad and trying to decide whether to run for cover, join the fray or pop some popcorn and watch the show?