Since politics has become a retail and wholesale money machine and the entire process degraded to a series of TV shows (bad TV shows), it is appropriate to consider the whole smelly thing as a consumer issue. Because that is what we are to the politicos: consumers of retail political products; you pay to participate in the political process just like you pay for any other service. But what you get for your money is often unclear as it’s a bait-and-switch game: buy the pitch, pay your money and cross your fingers. What you get may in no way resemble what you paid for. The Clintons were the true pioneers in recognizing retail politics for what it really is. Buy one, get two…who can ever forget that immortal line. Presidential access was for sale, whether it was to Fat Cats seeking pardons or the Chinese government looking for help with ICBM missile development and needing the assistance of firms like LORAL Systems.

More tiresome than the fact that big money rules is the media-scripted nature of the election cycle. There are many distinct and recognizable phases that occur cycle after cycle in the election process. Perhaps you will recognize the subdivisions of the process listed here. It is a TV drama packaged and scripted by the media in collusion with the candidates, all of whom schmooze together, play golf, have drinks at the National Press Club and three-martini lunches on your dime.

As an aside, have you ever considered how a man or woman of relatively modest means, as opposed to rich Fat Cats who can buy a political office, somehow rise in the political machine of either party, goes to Washington on a salary of 100 grand plus and leaves after four or six years with millions in the bank ? Where did all those big bucks come from? What were the motives of those who lined the pockets of the politicos? Exactly what the hell is going on? Political careers should be ‘wealth neutral’; i.e. a politico goes to Washington, collects only their salary or valid inheritances, insurance settlements or income from investments in blind trusts and that’s it! No schmoozing with corporate Fat Cats on the golf course and speaking at their clambake for a healthy cash honorarium, no free tickets to see the Redskins, definitely no private jet junkets to Europe and payoffs from lobbyists seeking favors. If lobbyists with big bucks look after corporate and special interests, who looks after your and my interests? Ever heard of a citizen lobby not connected to a cash machine like the AARP or NRA? That answer is definitely no, though Ralph Nader is the sole exception to all that. Just one guy.

What is called ‘public service’ is anything but. It’s more like self service and, way down deep, you know that’s the sad truth. I called the office of a national politician in Arizona I will not name here and ya’ know what the first question was? The lady asked me “who are you with?â€