Havn’t you ever

wanted to hear George Bush, just say it.
C'mon George just once, no spin, no stare at the camera and lie by omission or any kind of semi truth either, I’m sorry, no disrespect but, just let us have it.
I really, really want to hear the words; I want to hear them from your own lips.
Why, why are there twenty million illegal aliens in America?
Why are there thirty five million mostly amnestied and anchor baby Hispanics in America and why isn't that many enough?
Tell me, why does the human tide continue?

C'mon George, come clean on this one very important issue, three hundred million Americans want, need and have a right to know.
Each and every one of us three hundred million Americans has a different view of the immigration issue and each and every one of us needs to hear the unvarnished, clarifying truth from you, Mr. President.

We can only guess, help us out here.
Is it from past mistakes that have been continued?
Are Politicians now out of office at fault, did they betray America?
Which elected officials were, are responsible, really, we need to know.
Was one of the reasons guilt, does America owe Hispanics, how much?
Are Hispanics supporting Social Security, is the human flood coming to pay for my retirement?
Do businesses put pressure on you to let illegal aliens in, are they really needed or are business campaign sponsors running the show?
Are minority votes the primary motivator, is fifteen percent as a unified block more important than the eighty percent who are fractured as voters?
Are Americans too independent? Immigrants are more compliant, don’t make waves.
Are you afraid of the future, are you hunkering down to wait for the new majority?
Is this what your father, your family has wanted, is this a family tradition?
C’mon George give it to us, we can take it.
What’s more, we deserve it.
We’re the Americans, remember?

Havn’t you ever, I have, just want to hear you, Mr. President tell me, an American, the truth, the whole truth, so help you, God.
