If we as a society are to survive the current run of lawlessness. We must force our law enforcement and IRS to seek out and prosecute those who do not follow the law concerning taxation.
We as a people through our representation have established codes of conduct concerning taxation and for the continuation of our country we must have these laws enforced equally. This is not a racist attempt to stop illegal immigration but an effort to achieve a level of justice through our tax system. Therefore all who are committing the felony of tax evasion, fraud and collusion to the same should be held liable. So I suggest that a few indictments of employers (who are skimming tax money from the illegals) law enforcement (who are assisting in the committing of the crime) and politicians (who benefit from contributions from persons colluding in the tax evasion being perpetrated) are in order. The fact that Al Capone could not be stopped by any other means is a model to be used in our current dilemma.
So as with the Patriots in 1776 we must have no taxation without representation. If we Patriots of 2007 follow this lead we also will once again achieve freedom, liberty and justice for all.
