Our country, it's unique history, heritage, and sovereignty is being sold down the river today. At this very moment. A shadow nation is literally living amongst us. And yet, my neighbors are more concerned about Iran, health care, gay marriage, and so on.

Not to detract from the other issues before us, but when matters of national survival are at stake shouldn't all else be relegated to the backseat? Yes, I am as upset about gay marriage and other social rot as much as the next cultural conservative but when the very existence of our nation, over the course of the next few decades, is thrown into question how can I not concentrate my mind towards this crisis at the expense of all else?!

Sometimes there's nothing more discouraging than talking to our fellow Americans about this problem. Almost everyone I know agrees that our immigration situation is rather bad, but many of them still don't see how the very existence of our country is at stake. Hopefully that will change...