As I am wondering why, a blatanly racist group like MECHA is allowed on school grounds, when a low rent racsist pro white group like the KKK isnt ( for the record, I would never, ever support either one), but I am willing to be the school board has no clue who they are

To; City Council members, Mayor Morgan Hill

Out of respect, I am forwarding you a copy of my e-mail to your school district, and your school. I am hoping to get a satisfactory answer before taking the next steps. Further action will include contacting of media, and parents groups in your area.

While I understand, anything with dealing with the Latino community right now is a hot button topic, I feel that my rights no matter my race are also important.

I am floored, that you allow racist organizations on school campuses. I would also encourage you to read the link I sent from the Latino group AZTLAN on how all of you are white, with an insinuation that you are racist, actually, they blatantly accuse your entire community of it.

I do hope to hear a reasonable response from you, and that response will be posted for multiple Legal Immigration groups to see.


From: sdbrit68@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: School Clubs
Date: Sat, 8 May 2010 09:34:31 -0700

To School Administrative personel, District personel ;

Recently I became aware of an issue at your school, and before taking further action, I wanted to contact you and find out why.

It appears, you allow a student club that is a smaller aprt of a very racist organization. This would be MECHA.

Considering the issues you had this past Cinco De Mayo, why are you surprised, these kids are indoctrinated with a manifesto of hate towards white people. If you have not done your research, MECHA is another branch of La Raza and the groups supporting AZTLAN. All three of these groups support a basis of removing any white " invaders" from the southwest.

They are taught that eventually they will forcibly remove any white skinned invader from what they consider their homeland, this is much, much different than a black student union.

I challange you to tink about statements made by your own students on recorded news reports ;

" We will get our respect"
" This is our day "

Now, try to reconcile it with this;

According to their national organization’s Web site, MEChA is. . .

Essentially, we are a Chicana and Chicano student movement directly linked to Aztlán. As Chicanas and Chicanos of Aztlán, we are a nationalist movement of Indigenous Gente that lay claim to the land that is ours by birthright. As a nationalist movement we seek to free our people from the exploitation of an oppressive society that occupies our land. Thus, the principle of nationalism serves to preserve the cultural traditions of La Familia de La Raza and promotes our identity as a Chicana/Chicano Gente.

The Mexican Nationalist group is very protective of its members and structures and clearing states when referring to “infiltrationâ€