Shocker: At a meeting of the Senate Small Business Committe on Thursday 1-29-09, a representative of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (yes they have their own separate division) requested that E-Verify NOT be a requirement in the stimulus bill. He said the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce didn't want it because it is "experimental" and "doesn't work". He then said it would cause a percentage of people to be unemployed.

So, if it doesn't work, why is the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce against it? And if it doesn't work, why would it cause some illegal aliens to be unemployed?

No matter how much I hear this kind of crap, it never ceases to amaze me the gall they have to request the United States government make sure to employ Mexican citizens BEFORE they employ American citizens.

(This was broadcast on C-Span, and can probably be found on their website.)