I just got this in from NumbersUSA:


The immigration defeats last night in the U.S. House are stark reminders that our movement needs to gain a lot more strength if we are to really start to solve the problem.

Last year, Members of both parties ran for re-election touting their toughness on illegal immigration, pointing to their vote to build The Fence in September of 2006.

But last night, the majority of the House thumbed its nose at the voters and agreed to block building most of The Fence.

(That’s why I have to ask you here at the end of the year to make a generous contribution to our work so Congress won’t feel so free to jerk the American public around.)

I don’t want to be too negative. On the defensive front, all of us together have achieved nearly miraculous political victories in stopping amnesties throughout the year.

But we still didn’t have enough power this past week to stop House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Leader Harry Reid and President George Bush from gutting the omnibus spending bill of most immigration improvements that were passed in the House and Senate earlier this year (in addition to knocking a lot of holes in The Fence).

We Need 1 Million Activists Next Year To Win Major Improvements

I am more convinced than ever that we must grow to ONE MILLION STRONG by next November’s elections. Our one-half-million activist network was strong enough to stop the bad stuff. But we’re going to need a lot more activists to force Congress to choose overall immigration reductions, instead of the Establishment’s insistence on ever higher immigration.

Even if we continue to stop every attempt at amnesty, the present rate of illegal and legal immigration will flood the country with 100 million more foreign workers and dependents over the next few decades alone. We must build a big enough activist army to change current immigration policies and practices to reduce future immigration flows.