Nothing has pissed me off more since I started following immigration issues than what Maryland is doing to give illegal aliens in state tuition. This not only pisses me off because it will increase competition if I ever want to attend graduate school, but also because as an undergraduate I always wanted to go to an out of state college both to live in a new area and to live someplace warmer than Oregon where it rains most of the time. Then it hit me that granting in state tuition to illegal aliens could be a golden ticket for natural born American students looking to get in state tuition if they play their cards right.

A couple weeks ago I was writing a report about a Nazi who was deported and stumbled upon the case of an American born Nazi named Nikolaus Schiffer. I wrote this report about him a few minutes ago and confirmed that is possible to be born in America and become an illegal alien. In Schiffer's case he relinquished his citizenship by joining the Romanian Army in WWII and working as a concentration camp guard before coming back and becoming a naturalized citizen. When it was discovered that he persecuted Jews his citizenship was revoked and he was deported.

Unfortunately for Schiffer he was an automatic illegal by being a Nazi, but that doesn't mean that other Americans cannot learn and benefit from his actions. That is because his behavior can be used as a model for todays generation to follow in order to attend college in Maryland and get an in state tuition break by following this easy 8 step program.

Maryland in State Tuition 8 Step Program:

1. Renounce your US citizenship.
2. Travel to Afghanistan.
3. Join Al-Qaida or an equivalent terrorist group.
4. Become an enemy combatant.
5. Return to America without proper paperwork.
6. Enroll in a Maryland university.
7. Tell the school you are an illegal alien.
8. Go binge drinking with money saved from your in state tuition break.

There you have it. 8 easy steps for helping native born out of state students get an in state tuition break in Maryland. That is unless somebody does the right thing and reports you, but even then you probably won't get deported, so you probably don't have anything to worry about.