Does all common sense go out the window with this issue? Hispanic is NOT a race. Latino is NOT a race. You see a lot of comparisons between blacks, whites and Hispanics, but that makes no sense. The first two refer to race; the last refers to a huge category that covers every one and then some.

Perhaps depending on where you live you only see a certain type of "Hispanic," but in other parts of the country you see that covered under this label there are Caucasians (even blond/blue-eyed), Asians, Africans, Natives, and people of mixed race/heritage. It's not A race.

It's barely even an ethnic group. Common language would be the main thing, but many American "Hispanic" children don't speak a word of ol' Espanol and neither do some of the tribes in Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America.

What else makes an ethnic group?

Common nation? How many DIFFERENT Spanish-speaking countries are there?

Common religion? The majority may be Catholic, but there are many of other denominations, not to mention the "Hispanic" Jews, and those who practice African religions.

Common culture? Each nation covered in this category of "Hispanic" has its own culture and customs as a result of its unique experiences and its unique racial backgrounds. Would you say the Bahamas and the United States have the same culture? Both are English-speaking nations...

Are we, Americans of every race and culture, grouped up into the ethnic category of "Anglo" in the census because we speak English? That would INCLUDE "Hispanic" Americans.

Are black Americans with European surnames less black because of the European names? Because of the fact they speak English? Most black Americans proudly say no.

Are Native Americans with European names less Native because of those European names? Because they speak English?

Why then, are blacks from Latin America denied their African heritage and labeled Hispanic because they have European surnames and speak Spanish?

Why are Native Mexican and Central Americans labeled Hispanic because they have a European surname and speak Spanish?

Is Spain still in Europe/Caucasian land? They don't need minority status. WHY are Spaniards included in this category and given this status?

It seems like a bogus category to me that was created by either "Hispanics" who wanted a separate group to guilt the white population with, or by the government to discriminate against Spanish speakers and those of Spanish-speaking ancestry. Or, a little bit of both. Now, if I'm way off here and am totally missing something, please help me see the light. PLEASE.

FYI, I am safely covered under this category and I am totally against illegal aliens.