I am sure each and everyone of you ask yourself this question at least once a week, maybe more often. The last couple of days I have been thinking about "How Long will we Have an America", and I do not think we have very much time.
In a recent news article in my local paper it informed us that the Spanish Speaking population in South Dakota has grown 3% state wide and almost 20% locally. I live in the Black Hills in Western S. Dakota, and that number does not surprise me. All things considered, our Southern Border States are losing the Battle on Illegal Immigration. Our Federal Government allows the people to flow into this Country for reasons they care not to talk about. Some say it is for Votes, some say for Cheap Labor and some say there is a Group of Elites who want to see America collapse so they can turn us into a European Union type Nation.
Whatever thier reason may be, we keep putting the Same people in Washington DC...
Personally, I am tired... Tired of Suits, Tired of Politicians, Tired of Lawyers, Tired of EMPTY PROMISES! Tired of the LIES! Tired of ALL THE CORRUPTION!
Everyday, the Media puts out depressing story after depressing story. After time it takes its toll and you start to wonder if there is ANY good taking place in this World? We have become numb to almost everything.
From the Lies our Elected Represenatives, to the Voting Fraud they use to get into that position, people just do not care... And the ones who do, well you will see thier complaint right next to the Obituaries in your local paper. The Media is a TOOL for the Money, For the Power no Longer FOR THE TRUTH!
Just look in the Peoples House, The White House... The man currently residing thier is nothing more than a Three Dollar Bill! In Fact I think His Face is on the Three Dollar Bill... From BEFORE the Election in Nov. 2008 there has been PROOF POSITIVE that Barack Obama was NOT Constitutionally Eligible to Run for President. What ever became of THE TRUTH? I taught my children that possibly the worst thing one can do in thier Life is STEAL and LIE...
I REFUSE to Trust ANY part of The Government... ANY!
From the Executive Branch, to the Judicial Branch... CORRUPTION has found its way into EVERY PART of OUR once Beloved Country...