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What to do about illegal immigrants

December 16, 2007
A few thoughts about illegal immigration -- some original, some not.

First, the debate is not about immigrants or immigration. It is about illegal immigrants and illegal immigration. The distinction is important.

It is the policy of The Courier News to use the term "illegal alien" or "illegal immigrant." News outlets are under extreme pressure from activist groups to use terms such as "undocumented worker." That would be like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist." It is intentionally misleading. So is calling everyone -- legal or illegal -- an "immigrant."

Almost everyone in America today is descended from immigrants. Legal immigrants followed procedures, filed the proper paperwork and adhered to the laws in order to arrive in this country. Illegal immigrants did not. Calling everyone an "immigrant" diminishes the debate to xenophobia. Manipulation of language to change the perception is crucial in diminishing the issue to one of inconsequential differences or elevating it to racism, depending on the tactic.

Secondly, it can never be racism to enforce existing laws. Refusing to enforce certain laws because of the color of one's skin or ethnicity would be racism. Not extending equal treatment under the law would be racism. Claiming rights for yourself that you deny to people of color would be racism.

Enforcing existing laws is not racism. Seeking to stop the flow of millions of illegal immigrants into this country is not in and of itself racist. American Indians found out what happens when you don't control immigration.

Thirdly, the solution to this is very clear, depending on what side you are on. But in truth, it is anything but clear. To some, it is heartless to relentlessly persecute people who came here to work and live.

Hard-liners want the government to round up and deport every single illegal immigrant in this country. This would be done by the same government that couldn't get 100,000 people out of New Orleans -- and they wanted to go.

But open borders and a welfare state are incompatible. In fact, our whole approach to this is incompatible with common sense. We go after the illegals, but not the employers who hire them. We build a fence to stop unlawful border crossings while states discuss giving illegals driver's licenses and in-state tuition for college.

In fact, we have had a national policy of looking the other way for Mexican immigrants but using the Coast Guard to turn away a boatload of wretched, impoverished Haitians at gunpoint.

To stop illegal immigration, all the government needs to do is secure the borders, make it a felony to hire anyone without proper documentation and deny housing, education and public aid to anyone who cannot prove citizenship or legal residency. All the benefits of being here illegally will vanish.

That is what other countries, including Mexico, do. But we, apparently, are not as progressive as they are.