(This is an excerpt from one of the most respected Investment newsletters in the USA, people I've done business with for years.)

Whiskey & Gunpowder
May 23, 2007
By Dan Amoss
York, U.S.A.

Rogue on America's Doorstep: Mexico's Presidente' Felipe Calderon

Mexico is America's second largest source of oil imports, after Canada.

But Mexico is running out of oil!!!!

At the current rate it's pumping oil, Mexico has only 10 years of proven reserves left. The Cantarell oil field in the Gulf of Mexico - the world's second largest - was generating 2.1 million barrels per day last spring.
By last summer, that had fallen to 1.74 million barrels.
And the Mexican government forecasts a fall to as little as 520,000 barrels per day by 2008.

For every four barrels Cantarell was generating a few months ago, there might be only one barrel coming out a little over a year from now.

No wonder one expert says, "The situation is probably much graver than the government would like us to think it is."

By one estimate, the sudden decline of Cantarell means Mexico's oil exports to the United States could fall from the current 1.5 million barrels a day to only half million.
That's the optimistic estimate. The pessimistic one is that Mexico stops exporting oil completely.

"Cantarell's production will drop swiftly in the next two or three years, probably to the point that Mexico won't be able to export oil."

- David Shields, independent oil consultant based in Mexico City


This is the country right on our doorstep, and you've hardly seen any of this on the evening news. (Not on the English-language networks, anyway - the Spanish-language stations are all over it, but unless you speak Spanish, this might well be the first you're hearing about it.)

Coming Soon to America: A Trickle of Oil, but a Flood of Refugees

Think about this: Oil accounts for 40% of the Mexican government's revenues. What happens when the oil dries up, and the money dries up, too? That's a lot less money to keep up Mexico's social welfare programs. If the government checks stop coming, what do you think many Mexicans might end up doing?

Frontline Texas: The Coming Border Wars With Mexico

Since April 2005, thousands of Americans calling themselves the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps have taken it upon themselves to patrol the U.S.-Mexico border every day. By some estimates, there are now 8,000 of these "Minutemen."

That's right, the Minutemen aren't confined to the border states. There are people from states hundreds, even thousands, of miles from the border who are so committed to the cause that they disrupt their regular lives, not unlike a military Reservist or National Guardsman, to patrol the Mexican border to keep illegal immigrants out.

If they're that committed to the cause, what do you think their reaction will be if the current flow of illegal immigrants across the border -
estimated at 9,600 a day - suddenly doubles, or even quadruples, as people flee the chaos brought on by declining oil production in Mexico?

Suddenly, we're talking about a three-sided border war - with the immigrants on one side, the Minutemen on another, and the Border Patrol trying to keep the peace with about as much success as U.S. troops have trying to keep the peace between Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq.

It pains me to think,, that the kind of street battles we see only in faraway places on our TV screens...... could actually happen in our own country.
AND, it's a possibility we can't afford to dismiss........

http://www.danielestulin.com/?op=notici ... &idioma=es