American Conservative Party to replace the Republican Party?

By Jim Threlkeld
Originally Published Jan 19, 2009, 11:51am (Updated Jan 20, 2009, 3:21pm)

Citizens of the United States of America, I would like to introduce you to the new political party in the United States of America which is the American Conservative Party.

The American Conservative Party is founded to replace the Republican Party which has become part of the Democrat Party and is now called the Dem-repub Party. Since the Republican Party left their conservative values and had the same left-wing views as the Democrats, the Republicans saw no reason to have a two-party system in America. Consequently, the Republicans begged Democrat President Obama, Democrat Senate Majority Leader Reed and Democrat House Majority Leader Pelosi to disband the Republican Party and join the Democrat Party.

The Democrats agreed to take the Republican in as long as they swore they would support abortion no matter how late the term of the mother. Support Gay Marriage. Support complete government takeover of all businesses in the country. Support the ACLU in removing God from the national scene. And any other liberal idea the Democrats came up with. The Republicans said for the past several years they had been feeling that way about all those issues and had just put up a façade in hopes of winning just one more election. What sold the Democrats on taking the Republicans into their party was when the Republicans pointed out how they allowed Sara Palin to be trashed after McCain lost to Obama. The Republicans went on to say they could not let a God-fearing, social and fiscal conservative like Palin be representative of their ticket. How embarrassing it would be, the Republicans pointed out, to have a person not considered blue-blooded and a Washington insider to represent their ticket in 2012.

So ladies and gentlemen of America, now that you know how the Dem-repub Party was formed, I think you understand why the American Conservative Party was formed.

The American Conservative Party’s platform is based on the Constitution of the United States which was founded by the original founders of this country. Prayer will be voluntary in schools as will the freedom to read the Bible by students. Other religions will be respected and not suppressed. The Ten Commandments will be on display in federal government buildings and the state governments of each state will decide if and where the Ten Commandments will be displayed and if nativity scenes will be allowed on state property. Each state will decide if women are allowed to abort their babies and the central government will never have power over the states concerning this issue. There will be a guarantee that the federal budget will be balanced. We believe in a smaller central government and we believe in people being free from the government to achieve or fail. We will not bail out people or companies when they fail. We believe you learn from failure and that failure teaches you not to make the same mistake again. The main function of the American Conservative Party will be to protect the nation from all hostile forces and guarantee the freedom of all persons who are legal citizens. All borders will be controlled by the United States Military.

Naturally, since the American Conservative Party is new, there are other issues to be addressed which will occur at our convention to be held in the future.

This was written as a pun, but it seems another political party is needed as many people feel the distinction between the two parties has lessened over the years. Many people also feel the liberal, socialist form of government is not the best way for America to proceed since socialism has never worked in the long run anywhere in the world.

I feel America and the American people will be weakened as they accept the socialist ideas under the president elect. Both the Republican and Democrat Parties have flirted with a socialist agenda in the past several years and now that they have a socialist leader, I can foresee socialism proceeding at an ever increasing rate in America.

I pray that the people of America will wake up and realize we did not become strong because of the government, but because of individuals taking responsibility for their lives and having pride in their country.

[i]Jim is the author of “Where Roses Have No Thornsâ€