After working very hard for the last 13 years in my own business, i had to sell it at below valued price, practically gave it away for peanuts, since i could not longer compete with other larger buisnesses that operate and compete with me, SINCE THEY USE ILLEGAL LABOR AND CAN UNDERPRICE MY SERVICES!! My clients just like Walmart went to the lowest priced Subcontractor!! in this case a company that is larger and continues to Prosper , the are expanding rapidly in my area and making many other legit business owners like me Shut down!!
This guy is making so much money is sick!! off course paying low wages and no benefits, labor taxes etc.

I am a parent of 2 kids, married and I have worked by the Book, i had to sell my home, biz and everything so we can survive.
This is War fellows, war on the American family. I relocated now to The Tar Heel State to Start Fresh, the sad part is I see more of the same here, Luckyly i have skills and credentials that can only be obtain by an American Citizen of good standing.