I was not born in Europe; I have nothing in common with Europe except the color of my skin. I am an American through and through. I love my country, the U.S.A. I am not Irish American, I am not English American, I am NOT french American. I am simply an American. My ancestors fought long and hard to establish this great country. And in the process they laid a foundation of prosperity and hope. And I am sick and tired of these jerks telling me "to go back to Europe". I will not leave, I will fight for this country, and I will NOT let you push ME out of MY country. I am not a coward that will leave once the fight gets hard, I will only fight harder. So spare me the rhetoric and return home to your country that you are so proud of and fight for what is YOURS, and leave mine alone.
One of the problems today with the immigration pool, legal or otherwise is that they hold NO loyalty to this great country. They fly proudly the flags of the country of origin they have ran from only too declare themselves that before Americans.
Most of these immigrants have no concept of America except the propaganda they hear from their TV’s and governments. They come here and spit in the cultural face of this country with their indignant demands and sense of entitlement. If they want to be part of this country they need to put down the flags of their countries of origin and hold only ONE flag, and that is the flag of the U.S.A. Love it or leave it hardly sums up what I am trying to convey, but if you are in THIS country, and want to participate in this culture, they must lose loyalty for their countries of origin and embrace the great culture we have here.