Hello folks! I'm back in Ohio from D.C. where I attended the Congressional Hispanic Caucus' rollout of it's Amnesty bill.

Photos and video to follow.

The hearing room was packed. Wall to wall people, lots of media. Many speakers who basically hits the same old talking points most of you are already familiar with.

Casa of Maryland apparently bussed in kids that were used as props. They were wearing T-Shirts that said "Future voter." They were also promped to cheer when members of Congress finally came into the hearing room.

It was all choreographed. After each speaker people chanted Si se Puede...Yes we can.

Interesting comments--

Crowd told that Obama and McCain support the legislation. That they mentioned McCain was the most interesting. I guess they may be hinting that McCain will be the point-man on the Republican side in the Senate.

Other interesting things--

Blue Dog Caucus has endorsed the bill

Progressive Caucus has endorsed the bill

I think the Black Caucus has also but verify first.

An Asian Congressman also said there are 1.5 million "undocumented" Asians in the U.S. and he was supporting the bill.

More later when I have time.

