I usually just read the posts on this board, but I just received a letter from Senator Menendez in answer to a fax I sent in re E-Verify. This guy is a traitor to the American people. I don't understand how the people of my state can reelect him.

In part the letter reads:

E-verify helps to ensure that American jobs are filled by American workers and not by undocumented workers. This protection is very important to some employers, especially those who are continually hiring new employees. The system is also important to American employees who are working hard to find jobs to support their families. However, I believe supporting a temporary extension is not a solution. I believe that piecemeal efforts to deal with immigration make a future vote for comprehensive immigration reform less likely. The provisions in the extension of E-verify system will do everything for business and nothing for hardworking families. The sooner the business community understands that it must join us in promoting relief for families as well as business, the sooner we will succeed in beginning to reform our broken immigration system.

Our immigration system is unarguably broken. Our borders are far too porous, our workplace enforcement is far too lax, and as a result, there are en estimated 12 million people living in the shadows of American society. We must enact practical, smart, and comprehensive immigration reform that reflects current economic and social realities, respects the core values of family unity and fundamental fairness, and upholds our tradition as a nation of immigrants.

Despite the shortcomings of failed immigration reform in past years, I remain committed to continuing this fight. I will continue to work to craft comprehensive immigration reform that strengthens our national security and enhances our economic prosperity. This effort includes fixing the current employment problems we are facing in order to benefit our immigration system here in the United States.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I appreciate your support.

I don't know where he gets the idea that I support him.

Today he is at a illegal immigration rally in Elizabeth supporting the illegal aliens.