For the past few days i have been just chilling. Getting together my thoughts and wondering if i was doing and saying the wrong things..
last week i went to the VA hospital to have a study done. Most American troops under normal conditions would not even think of comming against the leader of the country. Weather democrat or republican.
Solders and veterans of all ages. Hold dear to thier hearts the leadership of this great nation. And they do this because they have given of thier lives , time, alot of us our friends lives to be sure that this democracy would flourish and live forever.
I spoke to a Viet Nam veteran Old and Loud LOL but he is clear on how he stands on this issue of illegal immigration.
He said with a tone of disdain that that the fellow soilders of his erra who had died and those before him "must be turning i thier graves this dang country". He went on to say" used to be people were proud of thier heritage" proud of thier flag" proud of thier nation. The last part tore me up.
We have become a nation of GIVE ME, GIVE ME, and GIVE ME.
So the example we have set the world has adopted as the reasons to come to this Great nation.
They dont want to become citizens, pay taxes, go through the processes
that it takes to become what you and i are. But then again ........ Look at who and what we are too.
Our television glorify evil, lawlessness with outright abandon. Our courts
award criminals and penalize the victims. You dont have to be punished if you have a certain stature to your physic.
we call ourself a lawful nation but in reality are we ??? Are we really???

I have been passing this all around my head for over a week and the question begs to be answered.
wouldnt you want to go to a country where you can do anything you want and get away with it.
hopefully our nation will take up the reigns And start setting the example of a lawful nation.
then we can say with pride that we are a nation of laws who will not tollerate Our streets being lined with lawless criminals pushing their lawless ideas on you and me the law abiding citizens.
Just a little food for thought !!

Steven Doherty
Always a law abiding legal citizen