I just have to post this cause I like it! Please watch the video!

Herman Cain’s releases web video of campaign announcement, channels Martin Luther King

Jeff Winkler – Mon May 23, 4:04 pm ET

Images don’t lie, so according to Herman Cain’s new video, he’s more than just a wildcard presidential candidate — he’s also a big crowd-pleaser.

Coming off the Saturday rally in which he officially declared his intent to run for the Republican presidential nominee, Cain blasted out a video recap of the event that showed a swelling crowd of supporters at his Atlanta, Ga., event.

The video certainly offers visual evidence that Cain, while sometimes slim on policy, is gaining momentum in the public eye. In a cut suit and sporting a mic headset, Cain appears before the crowd like a motivational speaker though his invocation of Martin Luther King Jr. also gives him the aura of a mega church pastor.

“The day after the election day, when we wake up and they declare the presidential results and Herman Cain is in the White House,â€