Every email I come up with does not sound right. I need at least 3.

Now it's time to turn out attention to the House. We need everyone
targeting Rep. Dennis Hastert. He has the power under the rules of the
House to stop this dead in its tracks. The question is, will he?
We need everyone faxing, writing, phoning, and emailing his office and
his staff. Use the link we sent out to outsourcecongress (on the web
site, and was sent to everyone last week) to hit his staff, and the
link at the bottom to email him. The link is a zip+4 system, which
generally means your zip+first 4 digits of your street number. There
is a lookup system on the web site of his if you have problems.
Below is all the info on his office. But this is crunch time and we
need all onboard. It's now or never time.
D.C. office
235 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(I wouldn't suggest snail mail, take weeks)
Ph. 202-225-2976
Fax 202-225-0697

while i think it's better to put things in your own words a couple of
lines to get accross.
1- for those who vote gop, point out that if you wanted a democratic
bill you would not have voted for the gop
2- point out that we've been promised border security for 20 years
3- point out that they have never enforced the laws we hive, so why
would they start now?
another tip is fax, likly the most effective method besides calling,
but can be expensive. anything you would lik faxed just email it to me
with a note to fax it and i will do it for you. if you would bcc me
with your letters and i will copy them and fax them also.thanks

U.S. Border Watch
6046 F.M. 2920 suite 401
Spring,Tx 77389