Every day since the Senate started to debate the bill I have picked out an article or op-ed piece to share with everyone in my address book. I ask everyone I send it to, to forward it on to everyone they know and call Congress. It's my stab at helping educate people who haven't seen their neighborhoods desimated by illegal aliens.

To learn more about the damage done to my city take a look at my post from yesterday:

http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=F ... highlight=

Anyhow, back to my point. Here is what I sent out today to rally the troops for tomorrow's battle. You should be down right angry that our President has more confidence in the will and ability of a group of illegal foriegn nationals than he has in us.

He is outwardly defying the will of the very people who put him in office.
If any of you can use any parts to inspire your address book to fight, be my guest. Fight Hard, tomorrow S 1639 may die! It's up to us.

The White House Game Planning for Immigration Reform - Fire Back to Stop Amnesty

Once again the Bush Administration is gearing up it's assault on America. They are working noon and night twisting arms and promising lavish rewards to Senators willing to stab the American citizens squarely in the back.

They have been touting the array of amendments that they hope can convince voters that the bill is good for America. The bill is not good for America. As long as the Z Visa is part of the bill, the bill remains an amnesty program.

They are also touting the 4.4 Billion dollar allocation of money set aside for border enforcement. This is Monopoly money that will never lead to any serious border enforcement. Why do I say that? Because the Bush Administration has had the ability to secure the borders since the attacks of 9-11 and has chosen not to. They have no intention of securing the border and this bill will in no way force them to do so.

So what does the American public get if this bill passes?

They get a massive amnesty that will allow up to 20 million illegal aliens to freely compete openly with Americans for jobs.

They will be permanently saddled with the presence of illegal alien foreign national criminals, gang members, drug traffickers, sexual predators, terrorists and identity thieves. S 1639 has NO provisions to remove these criminals from the US. With the stroke of a pen, all of these criminals will have an unlimited time to stay. Even people who ignored deportation orders will be allowed to stay permanently under S1639.

They will see the recipients of this amnesty given race based preferences and programs that aren't currently available to many US citizens. This will put most illegal aliens at the front of the line for jobs, educational opportunities and countless additional state and Federal entitlement programs.

They will see the eventual collapse of the Social Security system. The illegal aliens granted amnesty will have access to the Social Security benefits that they NEVER paid into.

They will be saddled with the tax bill for this amnesty that is estimated to reach several trillion dollars.

They will see a net reduction in future illegal immigration of 13%.

So what are the positive aspects of S 1639? According to a quorum of concerned US Senators, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Please see US Senator Jeff Sessions list of 20 fatal loopholes in S 1348. S 1639 is the same bill with 1 minor change, the $ 4.4 billion set aside for faux enforcement.

http://www.sessions.senate.gov/pressapp ... ?id=275456

The AFL CIO has come out against the bill as well as countless grassroots citizens groups. Recent polls from the well respected polling organization Ramussen shows that 80% of Americans are against the bill. Senators from both parties openly admit the calls in opposition run between thirty and six hundred to one against the bill. With all this opposition, one would think it would wither and die.

This bill is still proceeding because a handful of US Senators led by our President have contempt for the citizens. They have made promises to big business and lobbyists that they cannot keep if this bill fails. They are not driven by what is good for the country but what is good for themselves. They have underestimated the power of the people in the Internet era.


I'm sending this message early today because Monday is a critical day in fighting the President and Senate on passage of this bill. Congress' approval rating of 14% is based in large part on their participation in ramming this dangerous bill down the throats of the American people. They have shunned their responsibility for securing our borders and many want to pass a bill that will make the problems associated with illegal immigration worse.

Only the voices of the concerned citizens of America can stop this bill from proceeding. Please, even if you have done so in the past, call, fax and e-mail every member of the US Senate you can. The decisions being made by the Senators effect everyone, they deserve to hear from everyone.

Please put emphasis on your own Senators as well as Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. He is thought to be the key Senator to killing the bill and is wavering on his support.

Please visit http://www.numbersusa.com to fax Congress for free.

Please visit http://www.congress.org to e-mail and get phone numbers for all 100 members of the US Senate free of charge. To keep up to date on all illegal immigration issues please join http://www.alipac.us. All services are free, confidential and none of the organziations share your information.

The White House Game Planning for Immigration Reform
June 22, 2007 02:15 PM ET

President George W. Bush has long wanted immigration reform legislation to be a key part of his presidential legacy, and officials within his administration have been scrambling this week to try to keep alive the "grand bargain" immigration reform legislation that failed to pass in the Senate three weeks ago.

The Senate will almost certainly reconsider the measure next week, and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Commerce Department Secretary Carlos Gutierrez both have been "constantly on the phone" this week, says one administration official, trying to prevent any poison pills from being included in the list of two dozen amendments that will get floor votes during the debate.

Every morning this week began at 7 a.m., with what one lobbyist called "war-room-style" conference calls — led by Bush's legislative assistant Candida Wolff — to go over new developments and to hammer out a daily strategy.

In the past two weeks, Press Secretary Tony Snow has even been deployed to try to motivate immigration activists to push on, calling the president's immigration stance one of the reasons why he joined the administration.

"This week will basically be the last chance to pass immigration reform in this administration," says one activist, "and the administration is using every card they've got."