The Senate obviously has no time to listen to the people who put them in office. But they take notice of those who break our laws and mock our government and country and vote to make a way for them to become citizens.
I am wondering if all those 25,000,000 Veterans whos Information was lost was done on purpose so these illegals could have more social securtiy numbers to defraud the US with.
I am one of those disabled veterans whos nuimbers and info might
be missing.
What ever happened to the might of this nation. Ever since the seventies we have become a nation that cowers in the presence of adversity. and i am not just addressing the law makers. I am addressing the public.
An invasion is taking place and "we" (this includes me too) are just sitting by idley and watching it happen........
Its going to take more than diplomacy to oust the invaiders. Its going to take more than our disrespresenatives to get this job done.
We as american citizens must take a stand and not just in voice.
And if the senate has not listened to our pleas ... than how will congress listen.
Action always speaks louder than words. But what action would be up to the citizen
Donald Rumsfeld said something very profound tonight on Larry king live ..... and i quote" sometimes Violence is neccesary". It is a last resort and not pleasant. No one likes it but when an invasion has accoured that invading force has to be repelled back to the borders of its origin.
And if the leaders dont have the courage to do what is neccesary to protect its lands then the couragous of the occupied lands must. I for one will not let our forefathers Spilled blood be let in vain. they did not die for illegal mexicans criminal immigrant.
And any proud American would be more than willing to lay down thier lives for the land that has fed them and sheltered them from such an invasion.
I will not let our country be taken and those who have ever said the pledge of alliegance understands that this is our nation and not mexicos and i will not let it go without a fight !!!! EVER ......... and i will not stand and let it be devided amongst and for criminals. nither my hard earned money to be scattered to the piratteers of this nations leaders.
The time is comming when all legal citizens will have to make that choice.
And if this land falls to the hands of mexico than who will we have to blame??? Nobody!!! but those of us who sat by and watched , those who sat by and heard , those who had the power to do something and did nothing......
Right now we are a soveriegn nation.
But we are a soveriegn nation under siege.
We not only need to talk the talk, we need to walk the walk !!! And remove this insurgence of illegal criminals.

Always an American Legal Citizen
steven Doherty