... anta-haley

Immigrant groups counter raids with hotline
Coalition wants to notify people where and when immigration raids will take place, and create a support system for deportees.
The Orange County Register

SANTA ANA – Responding to a refusal by city leaders to declare the city a sanctuary for illegal immigrants, more than a dozen people gathered outside City Hall Monday night to denounce recent immigration raids, accusing federal officials of "terrorizing" immigrant communities and breaking up families.

A coalition of local immigrant rights groups, including the Orange County Alliance for Immigrants Rights and the Front Against the Raids, announced a planned program to create a hotline that will notify people where and when immigration raids will take place. The program would also coordinate a support system for the families of deportee targets.

"We want to have a more organized effort to counter these attacks," said Jaime Conteras, a 20-year-old Filipino immigrant who now lives in Santa Ana. "We cannot let people trample on our rights."

During five days of raids in June, 175 people in Orange County were arrested on suspected immigration violations. The raids arrested 27 suspected criminals, including a man wanted for murder and a convicted child molester. Santa Ana was one of the targeted cities.

"I call it terror because that is what a small child feels when armed men break into their homes and take away their parents," said immigration activist Khang Tran, 28.

The raids and arrests were based on "solid leads and information," said Lori Haley, spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Similar to programs being put together in Los Angeles County, organizers said the hotline – in which volunteers will track details and update callers about ICE raids - will also direct relatives of detainees and deportees to legal assistance, along with information on what to do in case of a raid.

The activists urged people to call the hotline at 714-973-7806 to report immigration raids, detentions, missing people or any abusive power by ICE or local law enforcement.

"When people are arrested on an immigration violation, they have due process," Haley said. "If they feel like they are in this country legally, they can make their case to the immigration judge."

"Immigration fugitives have already had their due process, have been ordered out of the country and they've chosen not to comply," Haley said.

I suppose we should all call 714-973-7806 and let them know how we feel, or call with fake info.