Deport the women first (with their children)

The Pew Hispanic Center says of the 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States, 4 million of them are women. No statistics of how many are pregnant at crossing.

Decades ago Mexican migrants were primarily male. They were seasonal workers who helped out on the farms . They all sent money back to their wives, and most returned home after the picking season. But our loose border made it easier for the women to arrive. After that the men saw no reason to return. They settled in to stay and started looking for other jobs because they were no longer just interested in seasonal work

Their women are now busy birthing anchor babies with the intention of using these children as a lever to gain entry for the entire clan back home. The illegals claim not to be doing this intentionally, but why wouldn't they be? The law, as it stands offers them this major loophole to US legitamacy. There's no way they wouldn't take advantage of this.

If and when deportation arrives, deporting the women and children ahead of the men may encourage the men to go back home voluntarily. At least they would be much more likely to do so when the jobs dried up. On the other hand, if the women stayed on, they would likely dig in their heels and refuse to leave the comforts that the USA provides.

Is this a "racist" thought? If so, sorry about that. Just trying to think sensibly.