My husband just called and said time to move..He said that a jobsite next to where he working has illegals working there and his friend said that he had to go over there for a meeting and they had interperters ..He was pissed and walked out and came and told my husband.
He also told my husband that if this keeps up we may be out of a job....That I don't think will happen as the other is a different company that contracts out workers..But it is a matter of time if they are allowed to keep coming in and will work for less they will be hired.
legal or not we will someday have no jobs that will put a roof over our heads. I told my husband now that they have them in that county they will be moving in and moving us out....I'm not ready to move yet only because I have to pisses me off..Life isn't fair to Americans

So where is it you would move that the state is for the americans and not the illegals ?
Do you live there and how many illegals are their and are they catered to.

Even better would be a place with ZERO illegals!

Oh I told my husband to get all the info from his friend and pics if he can get them ...How do I turn in a company that hires them?..Its Cowlitz County Wa