So I'm sitting reading this site and the CBS Chicago news has a teaser about Carpentersville voting on an ordinance. I suppose they showed both sides -but of course showed a Latina (her label) saying how racists it is. Is this the first Illinois town that is going to vote? I'll see if I can find email information for any other Illinoisian or others who want to send them encouragement -will post in the Action Forum too. I, of course, want them to vote it in so it moves to my town as well. This town is not that far from Waukegan...

Village President:

Trustees link: click on their names ... 90548.html

Sep 28, 2006 6:01 pm US/Central

Suburban Ordinance Targets Illegal Immigrants
Opponents Charge Discrimination

Katie McCall

(CBS) CARPENTERSVILLE, Ill. There's heated debate in Carpentersville over a very tough ordinance aimed at illegal immigrants. It would make English the official language of the village. It would also be illegal to do business with undocumented immigrants, even rent housing.

CBS 2 North Suburban Bureau Chief Katie McCall reports on charges of discrimination.

Latinos in Carpentersville make up 40 percent of the village population, but some residents worry these business will move out if a proposed ordinance passes.

“It's not about race. It's about illegal aliens. It's about overcrowding in homes. It's about the rising cost in medical and education,” said Village Trustee Judith Sigwalt. “It's as plain as the nose on our faces. You know the law is the law.”

Trustee Paul Humpfer drafted what he calls the Illegal Alien Immigration Relief Act after learning the village spent $372,000 last year on ambulance fees for residents who he says were illegal.

"We're paying for it here, on a local level, and we feel we need to address the problem," said Trustee Paul Humpfer.

The ordinance prohibits anyone in Carpentersville from doing business with, or renting to, people it calls illegal aliens. Violators risk losing their business license-and landlords face $1,000 fines.

It also establishes English as the official language of Carpentersville, saying the village must print all of its documents and signs in English only.

Board President Bill Sarto calls it a bad idea.

“I really have more faith in our board than to pass something like this,” said Sarto.

Trustee Linda Ramirez Sliwinski calls it racist.

“They are targeting the Hispanics,” said Sliwinski.

Local real estate agent Sylvia Realzola agrees, and wonders who would enforce it.

“It is a slap in our faces as a Latina woman and a Latina business woman. I grew up here,” she said.

A town in Pennsylvania just passed an almost identical law, and has already been sued by the ACLU and another civil rights group, but proponents say they're determined to pass the ordinance here.

The board of trustees in Carpentersville will talk over the ordinance on October 3rd, and then vote 2 weeks later.

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