Pandemonium at UNC Chapel Hill As Illegal Alien Supporters Riot

JP Here
William Gheen on the Phone Tancredo Event interrupted by violence and property damage.

While important to note that congressman Tancredo’s position for in state tuition for illegals is shared with approximately 80% of North Carolina voters, Latino Student Organizations and anarchists affiliated students shut down the meeting exercising a mob rule or hecklers veto.

No injuries we are aware of, however police did have to deploy tazers and mace in order to protect Congressman Tancredo. Students outside protesting broke out a window causing glass to cover students who were not protesting. They also set off smoke detectors and the security shut down the meeting instead of ousting the protesters

I have videos and we shall be watching for the UNC Chapel Hill Administrators response to this outrageous abridgment of free speech on one of our nation’s top campuses.

More information Soon….