edit.....I forgot to say...I hope the peaceful phone calls work, because the alternative is too horrible to think about. We are in a terrible place right now. IMO

I am being sickeningly honest. Hope I don't get in trouble.

My city is dying. It just gets worse and worse, and our local leaders and our local media refuse to report on it! Nothing has gotten any better since I first started to fight illegal immigration. NOTHING!

Someone said they can not believe that we can't get more people to help us call the elected officials. I have been thinking a lot about this...And I have been reading a lot of comments on different forums.

I think a lot of people are in denial, or just don't care what happens to their country. How pitiful.

Most of the other people have given up and are trying to at least get something out of life by living just for each day and prepping for the worst.

Then there are those who still think we can get TPTB to close and guard our borders and enforce our immigration laws, and deport those people who are here illegally.

I have been fighting illegal immigration for years now......and you know what I see? I see millions and millions of illegal aliens having more fun than my people. I see them in the markets buying fresh fruit and crab legs....with their food stamps.

I see them pushing their strollers with anchor babies in them down the street and they are free of any medical bills......unlike my family who pay for their medical bills.

I see our schools sending the illegals home with fat back packs full of free food for the family to cover the weekend.....even though the family already gets food stamps.

I see my city building new low income apartments to meet the needs of the illegal alien work force.

I saw our city build a new park just for them, even though they have taken over all of the other ones here.

We have all sorts of special after school programs in assorted buildings around town to meet the needs of the illegal alien kids. If you as an American kid go to one of these special tax payer paid programs, you won't be able to communicate with anyone, because they all speak Spanish. I got into a fight with the City Council over this, and I was told I was a racist!

In our city the illegal aliens have been allowed to BUY/PURCHASE/OWN homes! Guess who has to help them pay their freaking property taxes!!!

It goes on and on and on. Millions continue to freely hop across our border and march in our streets, and work for our politicians illegally.......and not get arrested and deported when caught red handed using stolen documents...Just ask Meg Whitman's maid how tough it is to be a well known illegal alien in the USA.

My job is to call (for the millionth time!!!) and beg the elected officials (who ALREADY know our immigration laws) to not allow illegal aliens through the Dream Act to take my grand-kids place in collage. What?

Something is wrong here. These elected officials I am supposed to be calling should be calling ME, and asking for MY forgiveness for what they have done to my family and my country! They should be telling ME what they are going to be doing to rectify their wrongs starting YESTERDAY! They are the ones who have sinned against America! VICTIMS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS http://www.ojjpac.org/memorial.asp

All I see in the future is more and more illegal aliens birthing babies by the millions. After all that has been the Mexican leaders La Reconquista plan for years now. La Raza is their well funded political arm.

Do I think our elected officials will ever send millions and millions of illegal aliens home and enforce our immigration laws? No, I no longer believe it will ever happen. Not after Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and John McCain was re-elected....and seeing that Sarah Palin who supports a path to citizenship with chain migration to follow, is the 'darling' of the conservative wing of the Republican party.

I know I sound negative, but that is the way I have been feeling.

I know we will never give up the fight, but I truly feel that the millions and millions of dollars given to La Raza will help them to defeat us.

I apologize to those of you who are dedicated hard working Americans doing everything you can do to save our country. I know I sound like a sheeple.

I know I am on a rant, but I am beyond thinking every thing is going to be okay if TPTB will just do their job.

IMO....there will be some form of an amnesty and those who are already here will be allowed to stay, but that will not stop the continuing flow into our country.

I just hope they deport a lot of the criminals when they pass one of these coming 'paths to citizenships.'