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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Alligators, moats and other nonsense

    Posted at 12:00 AM on Sunday, May. 22, 2011

    By Victor Davis Hanson

    President Obama gave what was billed as an important speech on immigration last week near the border in El Paso, Texas. Unfortunately, it was one of the most demagogic moments in recent presidential history. Nearly everything Obama said was either factually incorrect or deliberately misleading.

    Why, 28 months into the Obama presidency, is there now a sudden push to pass "comprehensive" immigration reform? After all, from 2009 to early 2011, Obama had large Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. Why hasn't Obama already rammed through his own immigration bill, as he did with health care?

    The answer, of course, is that about 70% of the American people consistently poll against the president's initiatives on illegal immigration. Obama simply did not want to sign an easily passable bill that would earn him further unpopularity.

    But now he has lost the House. A close re-election bid looms. The president is enjoying a sudden bounce in popularity after the death of Osama bin Laden. He needs to firm up his base of Latino supporters. Presto: time to blame Republicans for his own past unwillingness to get a bill through his Democratic Congress.

    Obama's demagoguery seemed to work on the crowd in El Paso. It interrupted the president's speech to answer, "Tear it down," when he mentioned the border fence. The audience booed, and jeered on cue, "They're racist," when he went after Republicans. And it joined Obama, the sudden cheerleader in chief, in chanting, "Yes, we can."

    In blaming Republicans, Obama charged that their fears about open borders were groundless since, "The fence is now basically complete." And to emphasize that claim, he mocked his opponents by saying, "Maybe they'll need a moat. Maybe they'll need alligators in the moat."

    That sounds cute. But it is again quite untrue. The fence is most assuredly not "basically" complete. Currently, fewer than 700 miles of the more than 1,900-mile border have any sort of barrier. And less than 5% of the border has a secure double-fenced impediment. Even with increased patrols, a recent Government Accountability Office study found that 40% of the border is essentially open and unguarded. There are still well over a half-million illegal border crossings per year.

    In a fit of projection, the president also accused his opponents of politicking the issue for partisan advantage: "We've seen a lot of blame and a lot of politics and a lot of ugly rhetoric around immigration."

    That too was a distortion for at least two reasons. One, during the 2010 midterm election, the president himself urged Latinos to "punish" their political "enemies." That advice sure seemed like "ugly rhetoric."

    And in the El Paso speech, the president rallied his listeners to go lobby for his proposals: "So I'm asking you to add your voices to this debate. You can sign up to help at" Whipping up crowds to log onto his website seems just like "the usual Washington games" that Obama deplored in the speech.

    The president also deliberately confused legal and illegal immigration in lamenting the inability of highly skilled immigrants to obtain work visas and citizenship opportunities. But polls show wide support for legal immigration based on skill sets, not just on proximity to the border or family ties.

    What the president did not dare reveal was that to let in professionals and business people from around the world, based on their skills and earning potential, might also mean to curtail those without education and capital -- in other words, to discourage the millions of illegal immigrants from Mexico who don't speak English or have high school educations, and who often have little means of support but apparent political clout.

    Even when the president offered some sensible proposals about illegal aliens paying fines, applying formally for citizenship and learning English, he was still disingenuous. Obama deliberately floated these proposals to his partisan audience without any details of enforcement, since to do so would likely turn off the cheering crowd.

    So how exactly would Obama coerce some 11 million illegal aliens into paying a fine, returning to the immigration line to apply legally, or learning English? By threat of deportation or incarceration?

    The vast majority of the American public is not racist or "playing politics" in worrying about out-of-control illegal immigration. The enforcement of existing federal immigration law has become a joke. Drug violence in Mexico is destabilizing an entire country and spilling over the border. Jobs are scarce, with unemployment here still at 9%. Many billions of dollars in remittances to Mexico leave the American Southwest, often from illegal aliens who rely on American social services to make up the difference.

    These are serious issues that deserve more from a president than re-election pandering at the border and bad jokes about alligators and moats.

    Read more: ... z1N8NJ0DP6

  2. #2
    Senior Member stevetheroofer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    somewhere near Mexico I reckon!
    This president should be on SNL with the rest of the un-funny liberals!
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    We need to have Obama test out the moats and see if the alligators are hungry or not.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    new jersey
    He is a clown. And not a good clown. An evil one like Pennywise. And I was told years ago by Sister Veronica that silly clowns do not go to heaven. Kiss your soul good-bye Obama!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    I say we get through this and kick their behinds. Ship of Fools??
    America wakes up! The Captains a fool! AGAIN! And the crew walks the Plank. Enough is Enough! I HATE CLOWNS!!

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