Illegal immigration can't be ignored
Published: 1/16/2008 12:16 AM

The illegal immigration issue just won't go away. The politicians are hoping it will because they don't want to risk offending the Hispanic-American vote.

The illegal immigration issue is hugely important to the American middle class who are overwhelmingly opposed to amnesty for illegal immigrants. Amnesty, or whatever term the politicians choose to call it, would amount to an insult to immigrants who came here legally and obtained their citizenship in the traditional manner, as did our ancestors. In addition it is the middle class who are paying for the illegal aliens who are receiving free medical care in the emergency rooms of our hospitals, free public education for their children, free police and fire protection, and welfare services.

What amazes me is how our liberal Democratic politicians are joining with President Bush in pressing for amnesty for illegal aliens. I can understand why Bush, ever the servant of the wealthy and big business, would welcome open borders and a never ending supply of cheap labor. After all, cheap labor means lower labor costs and fatter profits. But why do liberal politicians think that cheap, exploitable labor is good for this country? Are there any politicians out there willing to represent the middle class?

Before I vote for any politician in the next election, I want him or her to answer the following questions: 1. What would you like to see done about the problem of illegal immigration? 2. Should a truly effective fence be in place on our southern border before there is any talk about amnesty? 3. Should a law be passed forcing local police to cooperate with United States immigration authorities in deporting illegal aliens who are criminals? 4. Do you believe that "sanctuary cities" are good and proper havens for illegal aliens?

Leo T. Ratzer
Lisle, Illinois