Recent Legal Immigrant to Bay Area

Submitted by Oakland resident on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 14:41.::
I have been reading the posts on this page and I would like to tell you what it is like for a white, English speaking, US citizen to live in California today.

My first problem is that I am constantly denied jobs because I do not speak Spanish. My next problem is that I can't ever be a bad parent and take my kids to a fast-food restaurant. I do not speak enough Spanish to make myself understood, nor do I understand the folks working at the drive-thru window. My next problem is that I cannot easily understand non-English speakers when I access the local and state government for services. But the absolute worst problem was when we moved to Oakland and I visited the local Catholic Church and could not find a mass in English or even someone who could speak English who could tell me where the rectory is located.

I feel completely dis-enfranchised in the county I was born in. Do you think this situation is fair to me and my family?

Your problem, I think, is
Submitted by JQ on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 08:26.

Your problem, I think, is not knowing how lucky you are. You live in one of the most diverse cities in America - if not the world! Open up. Learn something. I'm sure you'll find that it's not as scary as it may seem. You'll actually be very surprise how people will show you good will once they sense that from you.