Spokesman Review
Friday, July 27, 2007

Letters to the editor

'Illegal' not hard to understand

The word "illegal" is defined on dictionary.com as: "unlawful; illegitimate; illicit; unlicensed. Illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, illicit, criminal can all describe actions not in accord with law." "Illegal" refers most specifically to violations of statutes. The American Heritage Dictionary defines it as "prohibited by law."

Is there any part of this word "illegal" that you politicians out there don't understand? If so, would you please provide your names to this newspaper so I can be sure to vote for the ones that understand that it is "illegal" to let "illegal" immigrants into this country and that it is "illegitimate" to then turn around and give them certain benefits and privileges that will encourage more "illegal" immigrants to want to come here?

If our elected officials ignore the "illegal" part of the problem then do nothing about it then they are guilty of criminal behavior as far as I am concerned, and at a minimum they need to be removed from office.

Tom Starr

http://www.spokesmanreview.com/opinion/ ... p?ID=14715