Illegal Immigration's Deadly Financial Food Chain

Illegal immigration's staggering financial burden is causing a cancer-like accelerating death of cities and states across America. With 10-13 million illegal aliens already here and growing by more than 2,000 daily, seven days a week, 365 days per year, our country stands at the cross roads of an irreversible crisis. Once another 10 to 20 million illegal aliens breach our borders, we face a national crisis with unsolvable problems.

The danger signs blink at us everywhere from tiny towns like Austin, Minnesota, with upwards of 4,000 illegal aliens working at their meat packing plants, to larger cities like Los Angeles with embedded gangs and massive overloads of their hospitals, schools, prisons, welfare and transport systems.

California, with three million illegal aliens, suffers costs exceeding $8 billion annually to pay for their medical, educational, welfare, crime and prisons. Little wonder that state is $38 billion in debt. Texas, next on the list of failing states, suffers a $12 billion debt. Their illegal immigrant population exceeds 1.5 million. Colorado, with only 150,000 illegals and growing, commensurately suffers a $1 billion debt. What is it in your state?

What astounds the imagination are the remarks from Americans who look at California as if it was separate from their state. "I'm glad my children aren't going to school in Los Angeles where gangs, drugs and dozens of languages make learning impossible." A friend of mine added, "Living in Miami is a nightmare, but we're safe in the suburbs."

The problem with any kind of cancer is that it feeds off the host and multiplies over time. Whether it's skin, colon, liver, lung or lymphoma cancer-the disease spreads until it kills the entire body.

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