To refuse to change and adapt is to Perish.

We are languishing right now and we will surely perish unless we change and adapt.

The world has changed since the days of Ellis Island.

Do we continue a policy that is no longer in our best interests and precipitate our own demise as have the Romans and other long gone cultures through ill-conceived immigration practices?

IMMIGRATION, legal and illegal is now a threat to our entire way of life.
That’s putting it into the simplest words possible....

The American culture has been forged through European immigration.

It is being destroyed by Third World immigration.

Another simply put truth is that Third World Immigration Can and Will destroy any civilized country.

Why? Because they not only do not assimilate, they procreate prodigiously and aggressively eventually overwhelming the host country.

I watched a documentary on the Spanish American war of 1899.
One commentator said that America was operating, then as now, under the premise that we should try to export our way of life to other countries.

That comment stuck in my mind and I realized how much I disagree with that premise and why I disagree.
To impose our will upon other countries engenders hatred and I must point out that we see that today in our own country.
“In what way?â€