I'm thinking of a new approach with my OB senators and congressperson. Since our last fight against the DA I have enlisted several people to call. To my surprise 3/4 of them are liberal Democrats. What I'm think of doing is creating a letter for Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

It will virtually say the same on amnesties and illegal immigration but each letter will start with : We below signed are registered _________________s. We are coming together as Americans to say that we are against Amnesty in any form. We are for securing our borders permanently and not rewarding those who have by-passed our laws. We are law-abiding, taxpaying voters and we resent our representatives taking us for granted and assume if we are one party or another that we will fall into lock step with our representatives decision to vote against the American citizen. We will remember how you have represented us or have NOT represented us, the American citizen and our children.

In a since it will be like a petition to our reps.

Any ideas to improve please let me know.