From: Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS)
Date:11/26/2008 3:26:44 P.M. Pacific Standard Time

ALERT! - Senate leadership plans new push for immigration bill that includes amnesty!

Many analysts thought that the economic crisis had pushed immigration to the back burner, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has indicated that he wants to pass amnesty legislation early in the next Congressional session, and... he thinks it may be easy.

Indications are that Senator Reid, Senator John McCain, and President-elect Barack Obama—all supporters of an amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens—want to demonstrate this bi-partisan "accomplishment," even as millions of American workers are losing their jobs. An amnesty will, of course, encourage more illegal immigration and more illegal workers taking jobs from Americans.

Let your Senators know at this early opportunity that Americans still do not want an amnesty, and that this proposal will spark the same outrage that killed the last bill.

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