Immigration Amnesty Could Have 2nd Amendment Implications

June 5, 2013 by Ben Bullard

The ongoing debate over whether to include amnesty as a feature in the immigration bill before Congress may not have obvious implications for Americans’ right to bear arms. But, as a memo from Gun Owners of America points out, amnesty could tip the balance in favor of Liberal gun control politics in some parts of the country.

The amnesty bill, if it survives, could eventually create anywhere from 11.5 million to 20 million new American citizens. There’s no guarantee how those new citizens would vote, or in what numbers, but Gun Owners of America makes its case against amnesty like this:

[I]f history is any guide, they will vote 71% of the time for far Left Democrats like Barack Obama.

Impartial analysts have determined that Florida, Colorado, Nevada, and probably Arizona will never vote for Republicans again. Given this, for the rest of your life, the White House will be occupied by someone who is just as anti-gun and just as liberal as Barack Obama.

Conservatives in the Senate think that they can woo new immigrants to their side of the aisle. But it is informative that, after the last amnesty bill (the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli bill signed by Ronald Reagan), those people given citizenship were LESS LIKELY to vote for more conservative and constitutional candidates.

The group argues it’s urgent that States with liberal-leaning leaders not receive an infusion of newly-minted citizens beholden to the same liberal policies to which they attribute their own citizenship. Already, in liberal-dominated States, gun confiscation isn’t a forbidden political talking point:

  • New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said that “confiscation could be an option” after the shooting in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
  • Likewise, an Iowa legislator said that we need to “start taking” guns from law-abiding gun owners.
  • Legislation in both Minnesota and Missouri would have, if enacted this year, forced residents to surrender their high-capacity magazines and many of their semi-automatic firearms.
  • Legislators in New Jersey were recently caught on a hot mic saying that “we needed a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate” guns from citizens.