Satire by John W. Lillpop

Arlen Specter has always an enigma to conservative Republicans. His views are nearly as liberal as those held by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the senator from Pennsylvania is famous for leading the charge against programs favored by President Bush and conservatives.

Why is this man a Republican at all?

No one is certain, although it appears that Specter was under the clumsy assumption that D stood for despicable, which it does, and he chose to be repugnant, with an R.

Make that a capital R, which the senator most certainly is.
When it comes to illegal immigration, Specter has always been more concerned with illegal aliens that he is about American sovereignty, rule of law, or homeland security.

For instance, Specter made the following comment about the latest immigration reform proposal that reportedly has been agreed to by the White House and key members of the U.S. Senate:

"It is not amnesty. This will restore the rule of law."

That from the mouth of the man who has served on the Senate Judiciary Committee for years, who has been a powerful figure in determining the composition of the U.S. Supreme Court, and who should know better!

How in Hades does one “restore rule of law,â€