Who Says Illegal Aliens Cannot Be Deported?

By John W. Lillpop

Anti-American politicians like Barack Obama, and nearly all Democrats, continue to perpetuate the outrageous myth that America cannot deport upwards of 20 million illegal aliens.

To which sane patriots immediately demand: Why the Hell not?

After all, each and every one of the foreign invaders came here one at a time; let us send them home the same way!

To facilitate that process, the list below provides a partial rendering of the benefits that would come our way if deportations started in earnest this afternoon:

• Emergency rooms would be used to treat medical emergencies for American citizens, instead of being day care centers for freeloading illegal aliens;

• California would again be a blue state. Perhaps, in time, the Golden State might even be a safe haven for flying the American flag and other “jingoisticâ€