I was listening to a fascinating radio interview with Tom Tancredo from July during which he was discussing globalism, open borders and the series of free trade agreements that have been pushed by Bush and approved by Congress.

The link is in the archives of the Laurie Roth show - note that it is the "most recent show", hour 1:


The most recent trade agreement passed July 1 by the House was the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). He stated that these free trade agreements are set up so that if the US does not comply with some provision, a CAFTA tribunal would be triggered which would adjudicate whether we were in non-compliance. The rulings of these tribunals would apparently supercede US law. In particular, he stated that immigration provisions have been slipped into these agreements in an effort to bypass US immigration laws.

I tried to find the complete CAFTA document that spelled out the provisions in both the House and Senate web sites but could not get a complete text. I also check the roll call vote in the Senate but did not see this posted - I believe the vote date was June 27. My next step will be to read the transcripts of floor discussions, but this may take a while. I may have simply missed these documents, but I'm wondering if anyone has seen them or knows more about this?