Assembly Republican News


Governor agrees with advisory panel recommendation

As Governor Corzine's Blue Ribbon Advisory Panel on Immigration Policy released its report on issues dealing with undocumented immigrants, Assemblyman Peter Biondi, R–Somerset and Morris, criticized the governor's support of the panel's recommendation to provide in-state tuition rates for the illegals.

"There are federal and state laws that address how to lawfully immigrate," stated Biondi, who is the Assembly Republican Conference Leader. "The governor is sworn to uphold the laws, not to figure out ways around them. He has recognized that the issue of obtaining a driver's license for undocumented immigrants needs a comprehensive review, but so does offering in-state tuition. What kind of message does this send to the families of prospective students who are legal residents of the state?"

The Advisory Panel also recommended toughening penalties on employers who pay undocumented workers off-the-books; advising public schools not to seek social security numbers of parents of potential students, and placing a moratorium on raids by Immigration and Customs officials on illegals until immigration reform is addressed.

"The governor's support of in-state tuition for illegal immigrants when taxpayers are facing multiple financial concerns, including how to pay for college, is very troubling," continued Biondi. "Where is the compassion, respect, and support for those who play by the rules? Apparently, the answer to that is to increase property taxes and eliminate rebates. The public policy implications of this recommendation will have a huge impact on all New Jerseyans and is something that deserves rigorous debate by the public and the Legislature."