Mexicans, be they third or fourth generation transplants in America or newly arrived illegal aliens, really need to come to grips with some FACTS including:

*America is a sovereign nation, completely independent of Mexico. It has been that way for more than 200 years, and we intend to keep it that way!

*In 1848, The Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo was ratified by both the US and Mexican Congresses. That Treaty satisfied any and all claims Mexico had to land now part of the United States.

*Brown may be beautiful in Mexico. But in the US, we are partial to colors that symbolize freedom under the rule of law. That would be Red, White and Blue.

*In America, Mexico is considered a FOREIGN nation & Spanish is a FOREIGN language.

*Being hard-working and good hearted is commendable. But those qualities do NOT entitle ANYONE to enter the US illegally.

*Bilingualism is cool-----provided one of the languages is English. Literacy in only Mexican and Spanish is not cool in America.

*Celebrating ones cultural heritage is perfectly fine---as long as it does not interfere with assimilation into American culture.

*US immigration laws exist to protect American citizens & others here legally, not to facilitate a foreigner’s pursuit of a better life

*Those who come to America must adjust to our culture and traditions. We have no obligation or desire to change our way of living to accommodate foreign newcomers.

*Federal, state and local laws exist for the common good and are not negotiable, especially by those not here legally. Compliance with all laws is not optional----get used to it, or get out!

*Mexico is a 3rd-world, corrupt, backward nation, unfit for Democracy. Americans have no desire for our nation to become like Mexico and, in fact, will fight any and all attempts to make it so.


If not, head south until you reach Mexico, do not look back, do not come back, and do not write---even if you are able to!