Put Hilton in jail but leave the illegal aliens alone
by Sam Heath
May 5, 2007

Being a real fan of the Turner Classic Movie channel I seldom miss the Saturday morning cartoon feature. But this morning I was somewhat taken aback about the caution by the host concerning “Hiawatha’s Rabbit Hunt” that it might be considered offensive to Native Americans. Well of course many of the cartoons of that era are found offensive to various segments of society today, as were many of the comic strips and books of my era during the 30s and 40s. But there was just something about the TCM host feeling the need to offer an apology before showing a Bugs Bunny cartoon that made me feel uncomfortable, as though I was being cautioned I had better feel guilty for watching and enjoying the cartoon.

It took a great many things to win WWII that would be considered offensive today. But had these not been done, had we not been able to demonize our enemies it is probable we would have lost that war. Consider, if you can, what America, what the whole world would be today in such an event. This generation can cringe at the old propaganda films and comics that demonized our enemies, they can vilify those of us who point out this was necessary to win the war, but they are free to do so only because that war was won through my generation demonizing our enemies. When “Casablanca” first showed in the theaters of America it was neither “camp” nor “classic,” it was not “altruistic,” it reflected what we were as Americans during that era, what the Norman Rockwell generation of America believed in.

I find it personally offensive that I have to “Press one for English” and ballots are printed in foreign tongues. I know this is not the America so many were sacrificed for during WWII. I find it personally offensive that millions of illegal aliens are invading my America for the sake of slave labor benefiting only politicians and their wealthy corporate masters. I find it personally offensive that identity theft is rampant and some American children will not discover until they get their first jobs that their Social Security numbers were stolen by illegal aliens. I find it personally offensive that I am being extorted through taxation without representation to pay for “free” medical and schooling, for jails and prisons to house illegal aliens, for the billions of dollars of taxpayer money going to support slave labor through courts and lawyers. I find it personally offensive the corrupt nation of Mexico is not held to account for its own citizens while Mexicans march in our streets demanding the rights of legitimate American citizens! Why aren’t these Mexicans marching in their own streets?

The entire world considers America a lunatic nation led of lunatics. American TV and Hollywood, our politicians and judiciary together confirm this in the minds of other nations. And this makes for a very dangerous world and an increasingly dangerous America. The message of this lunacy is not being lost on nations like Russia and China, but who is supporting this lunacy in America, and for what purpose? Follow the money is the general answer, and it seldom leads a false trail.

Whatever anyone’s opinion you just can’t get past the fact our police and border patrol are being emasculated from performing their duties for fear of losing their jobs, being sued, or even ending up in prison. And as several have told me personally “Who needs the grief.” But judges suffer no such restraints, and even Paris Hilton is not immune to America’s “gods in black.” Take the following for example:

ABC News: “A $10 dry cleaning bill for a pair of trousers has ballooned into a $67 million civil lawsuit. Plaintiff Roy Pearson, a judge in Washington, D.C., says in court papers that he’s been through the ringer over a lost pair of prized pants he wanted to wear on his first day on the bench. He says in court papers that he has endured ‘mental suffering, inconvenience and discomfort.’ He says he was unable to wear that favorite suit on his first day of work... ‘People in America are now scared of each other,’ legal expert Philip Howard told ABC News’ Law & Justice Unit. ‘That’s why teachers won’t put an arm around a crying child, and doctors order unnecessary tests, and ministers won’t meet with parishioners. It’s a distrust of justice and it’s changing our culture...’ “

While the whole story is rather complicated the bottom line for me is that summation of Howard about people in America now being scared of each other, of how judges and lawyers have managed to change our culture because of a distrust of justice, the chief architect of this fear and distrust being the ACLU. This organization no longer has any right to call itself “American” having taken up defending illegal aliens, ballots in foreign tongues, “Press one for English” and porous borders among other obscenities to America and Americans.

Howard is correct in his assessment of how a legal system that makes people afraid and distrustful of justice is changing our culture, but this could not have been done without a complicit ACLU, its deep pockets including money extorted from We the People to sue anyone not going along with this anti-American organization’s agenda of remaking America into its own image. In this manner an unholy alliance has been forged between politicians, judges, lawyers, and MSM that has thrown America into the present turmoil of fear and distrust, that has in fact changed our culture to one of fear and distrust, a fragmented and divided nation no longer having a national identity, without a heritage, culture, common language and secure borders, those inescapable imperatives by which all nations are defined and preserved and without which no nation can survive.

But our own leadership throughout is so patently corrupt this alone would account for We the People becoming increasingly fearful and distrustful. When it is being proven Americans and others were lied into the wars of Caesar Bush and Company together with a complicit Congress things become both fearful and dangerous beyond just distrust. And then to have so many going along with such corruption just to have open borders for the sake of slave labor is nothing short of lunacy! It is the kind of lunacy that leads to a judge suing for $67 million over his lost pants, Paris Hilton being sent to jail while illegal aliens drive drunk on our highways murdering American citizens with impunity. And We the People are told we just have to continue putting up with this lunacy! Not this American!

Bring the troops home to secure our own borders and expel all illegal aliens. Demand our immigration laws be enforced, and demand accountability of our elected leaders beginning with Bush all the way down! Or is it lunacy to believe anything like this can actually be done. But if so; who are the real lunatics.
