It's not racist to follow law
Aug. 25, 2007 12:00 AM

The "making of America" is certainly due, in part, to immigration from many parts of the world; it is also due to the unity of its citizens who live and work under its laws and customs (Editorial, Wednesday).

There is concern about illegal immigrants and the illegal acts of entering this country. There is concern that they're illegally taking jobs, illegally enlisting in government-sponsored social programs, etc.

There is concern about those who take money from illegal immigrants to bring them into this country, often treating them like so many cattle.

There is concern about employers who claim there are not workers in this country to do the work and say they need to import labor. Some employers are not just unwilling to pay U.S. workers a living wage; they also exert pressure on these illegal immigrants to accept very low wages or threaten to expose their illegal status.

To be concerned about illegal immigration is not to have hateful thoughts about the growing Latino American population. It is to be concerned about the number of U.S. laws that are being broken and not enforced by local, state and federal government agencies.

It is the illegal acts and the ignoring of our laws that cause concern, not the race or origin of immigrants. - Harry Lamar,Phoenix ... 4-252.html