I got vineyard owner Mike Thompson's newletter today stating in part:

"A few months ago, the House Intelligence Committee, of which I’m a member, held an open hearing on earlier evidence of these violations. During that hearing,
A few months ago, the House Intelligence Committee, of which I’m a member, held an open hearing on earlier evidence of these violations. During that hearing, I asked the Inspector General from the Justice Department how these agents were able to get away with breaking the law and what was going to be done to stop it. I was not satisfied with the answers, so I will be reviewing this issue again at an Intelligence Committee briefing this week

I stated to him that I found this sentence very interesting "I asked the Inspector General from the Justice Department how these agents were able to get away with breaking the law and what was going to be done to stop it." I would like to ask the same question about illegal immigration. What are you doing to enforce the laws of this land and have the fence of 870 miles that was voted into a bill and never acted upon. I too find most of our representatives answers unsatisfactory. I want the fence built and the laws enforced. It is a MUST before I will trust any representative regarding ANY issue.

I'm tired of subsidizing the illegal aliens education, health care (when my family gets none and our hospitals are closing). I want this problems fixed to for the American citizen and taxpayer not the illegal alien.